What a busy start to a week that's almost over!

>> Thursday, January 17, 2008

Monday morning , started with a doc appointment here in Dauphin, then off to get the truck a oil change , and then I packed a bag and went to Steinbach for a few days. I had a doctor appointment in Winnipeg concerning my back on Tuesday, so my sister Joan and her daughter Jody went with me to that appointment. I had to be in that doc's office for almost 2 hours of testing , which I did and boy did I pay dearly later that evening!!
After that appointment we went to Mongo's Grill ....awesome place!!! If you ever want a amazing experience go there! They grill the food that you put into a bowl , so everything your eating is something you have placed into the bowl.....really cool let me tell ya!
Then we headed to few factory outlet stores and looked around which was fun. The wind was crazy and very strong so we called it a day and headed back to Steinbach.
I spent the evening with my son and his family, oh Nevada just loves me to pieces and she's such a sweetie! After I left there I went for a ride to see what's changed in that city and then went back to where I"m crashing , my mom and dad's place.
You know sleeping at my parents sure brought back memories , of childhood. The bedroom I slept in was once mine, It's so small and as I laid there in that bed I thought of how many ways I could change that room around??? (laughing) I did like it that it's so cold in the room , my mom has home made blankets that are so heavy and there's nothing like using one when you have to cover your nose with it due to the room is soooooooo cold , I loved it!!!
I brought Nevada to day school the day I was leaving to head back home, she loves it when I bring her there. Jaida came running up to me and hugged me as usual she's so sweet, I said my goodbyes to them and told them, its time for Grandma to go home and take care of Papa Bill and Leah.......so Nevada said " I love you " as she does often.
The roads were ugly in the morning , but I did venture out on them and worked my way back home , unpacked my travel bag , so that I could repack it, yup you read right .... I grabbed my bedding , etc and off to work I went , did a night shift followed by a day shift , that makes for along shift! I"m sore from that doc's appointment , I"m tired from being up 2 hours thru out the night with my client. I've had my bubble bath and now I"m going to vegg out!
So here we are and its Thursday already .......go figure another week is almost done. I have tomorrow off , then working the weekend , then I have 3 days off and then I"m working 13 twelve hour shifts back to back ......yup Do you think after that I'll need a holiday??? Or a Nevada & Jaida fix???? Or a nice motel room with a hot tub in it???? or ......never mind I better stop dreaming !! ( haha)
Well I blogged now , my niece will be very happy with me ! She's a snoop and has been checking my blog site a lot (He he) So on that note , I"m done blogging.


Anonymous,  January 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

Thanks for blogging! I hope your 13 days straight will not be too hard on you. Have a great day, Love you!

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