Wow , What a Trip!

>> Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here I sit,worn out, tired, my body is shaking due to the emotional roller coaster I've been on. On March 6 th, my dad brought my mom into the hospital, she suffered a mild heart attack. She's been back and forth by ambulance five times to Winnipeg with in the past week outta her stay in the hospital.This morning was her last trip to the city, I went with her in the ambulance for this test today. I'm happy to let you all know she is now done with her tests, yes we have to wait for the outcome, but I'm happy to say she can now be at home, she can now rest.

I don't know how many of you have had that kinda scare, I don't know how to explain it when its your Mother who's ill, When I received the phone call i freaked!!! I was a basket case of tears.I had to leave right away, I had to go to her.

My Mother and I weren't always the closest , to be quite honest I think I'm more my fathers child..I can honestly say my relationship within the past few years has become very strong with my Mother, I've gone Thur alot and has been dealt a few hard blows and my mom has been there to listen and pick me up.She doesn't sit and judge me she loves me and I love her very much I would hate to loose such a special person, that would just hurt more than I can imagine. I'm so Thankful that she didn't have a major one that just took her from us now, Cause as far as I"m concerned she has many more years of life in her.

I went to see my son and his family, my grand babies were sick with high fever, I got them some more medication from the store and this morning when I went to check on them they were looking alot better and fever's broke. They are heading up here on Friday for the weekend and the truth being, I need that!! If I"m not running to take care of things with mom and dad, I'm home here cleaning and catching up on things here that need to be done.Its like a yo yo cycle. So it will be nice having them here to distract me from the normal ways of life. We will take them all swimming and that will be fun for the grand babies.

Tomorrow will be a day of paying off some bills around here, who knows who's getting what though....not going to worry about it, cause that just doesn't take care of the problems now does it? So I'll do what I can and well the rest has to wait.

Well like I said earlier, when I get home there are things to be done, so I"m off to wash the bedding and do other laundry, awe the joy of being home.


Anonymous,  March 18, 2008 at 9:08 PM  

Well girlfriend... I'm glad your mom is done with all the pokes and prods and all that... and I certainly hope things turn out good when you get results. I know the feelings you've been going through. I went through those for too many years. There are no words to describe the pain of losing your mother. There's nothing that can make that pain easier to take.. nothing can fix it or make it go away. I still have moments where the loss of my mom is too much to bare. Here's to many more years for you and your mom to enjoy together. I'm here if you need to talk to someone who knows what you are going through. *hugs*


Anonymous,  March 22, 2008 at 7:24 PM  

Well I wish the best for your mom, not all children can find ways of getting closer, and some just don't want to. I, presenaly don't have a close relationship with my mom, but I do with my sister, shes my best freind and I can tell her anything. But, last year she had a relaps with cancer the doctors didn't think she would make it. But, you know praying and faith in GOD is the only thing that can get you throu all of the things life throughs your way, thats also when good friends willalways be there to help, if, you let them. Prayer and Beast wishes.

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